Thursday, December 17, 2015

Winter Break!

Hello Friends!

I hope that you have a very wonderful winter break.

You will receive a lengthy narrative evaluation on your child early in January.

Europe Project:
You may choose to work on the Europe project over break. If you have any questions, let me know.

Optional Reading Project:
Genre Pie! The students can choose to read books from various genres over break. When they read, they should write a 3 paragraph book report. If your child chooses to participate, they will be invited to the pie party! For every book report they write, they will receive a piece of pie at the pie party.
I hope that everyone participates as this is a great chance for students to read books that are outside of the narrow "classic" category that they are restricted to for the daily reading log.

Finally, thank you SO much for the generous Christmas gifts. Ms. Lee and I are incredibly grateful for your generosity.

Ms. Prestipino

Monday, December 14, 2015


It's the first last week of school in fourth grade!
I can't even believe it, can you?

Assessments this week:
Science Test Tuesday
Roots Test Wednesday

I hope you have all seen the Europe Research packets come home!
This week we will give the students an opportunity to research at school. Please find book sources or online printouts for them to bring in and start using during the in class research time. This will be taking place on Wednesday and Thursday.

Winter Party!
We are really excited about the Winter party. There will be snacks and a craft.
See the sign up genius to help with this:

The December Birthday Bash will be taking place during the party snack time. Remember to bring in something to share with the class on Friday! :)

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Tax Credit Drive

Hello Wonderful 4B Families,

Please consider supporting our school’s extra curricular activities through a tax credit donation. This money would otherwise just go to the state, but if you sign up the money will go straight to our school! How amazing!  
Tax credit money allows us to run the wonderful clubs we have at Archway Arete. My own gardening club would not be possible without the help from the tax credit support. 
If enough of our families sign up, the kids will receive some cool rewards too like a denim day and an extra R&R weekend! 
We have 100% participation among the Arete staff members and now we just need your help. Tell your family and friends about this cool opportunity. We will all benefit from your support.

Thanks a million!

CLICK HERE to support our extra-curricular activities and clubs today!

Monday, December 7, 2015

Quarter 2 Week 9

Assessments this week:
Monday- History assessment
Friday- Spelling, Vocabulary assessment

*We have been reviewing fractions. there will probably be a quiz on Friday to see how their understanding of fractions has improved.

This week in 4th grade:

History: We are starting short unit on Africa. Additionally, be on the look out for a History Project!
Science: We will be wrapping up our unit on Meteorology. Our weather log will culminate in a graphing activity at the end of the week. There will be a test on the meteorology material next Monday or Tuesday.
Language Arts: We will be working on a expository essay and enjoying the book Pollyanna as a read-a-loud.
Math: We have been reviewing fractions. There will probably be a quiz on Friday to see how understanding has improved.

*I hope that some of our students will participate in the Bard competition! Please look for the application that is going home this Monday.

The December birthday bash will be on the last day of school, in tandem with out winter party. If your child is a December birthday, please plan on sending in a treat to share. There are quite a few December birthdays, and we would like to limit the sweets, so consider sending in small toys, glow sticks, pencils, stickers, etc to share with the class in lieu of cookie and cakes.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Archway Bard Competition

Archway Arete's First Annual Bard Competition
Throughout Western civilization, bards have been keepers of tradition, reciting the poetry of their people and passing on oral history. At every grade level, our students practice memorization and recitation of poems in the classroom. This year, we will be joining our fellow Great Hearts schools and holding a Bard Competition for our 3rd through 5th grade students, whom we will challenge to memorize and recite poetry. Over the course of two rounds and two poems, we will winnow the field to find our school's most skillful bard. That student would be named School Bard for the year and will represent Archway Arete in the Great Hearts Archway Bard Competition. If your student is interested in competing, they should fill out the application.  Whether your student participates or not, we invite all of our Archway families to these public recitations, which promise to be engaging reminders of this tradition.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Quarter 2 Week 8

Welcome back from break!

There are no assessments this week besides the usual spelling test.

A LARGE assessment packet went home on Tuesday. Please be on the look out for that.

Math: The class overall struggled with fractions. We will be taking the next two weeks to review them, and other previous topics.
Science: We are learning all about weather!
History: We are studying the origins and spread of Islam this week.
Language Arts: We are wrapping up Robin Hood this week, reviewing previous grammatical concepts, and spelling as usual.